Questions About Daycare

  • 725813

  • All reservations are made by the client through their account in the Gingr app. On the homepage click on the photo of your dog, click “START BOOKING”, and then select “Daycare” where prompted. Payment is due at the time of booking. Reservations that do not have payment attached will be rejected by the app.

  • If you arrive without a reservation you run the risk of being turned away due to a lack of available space. We have a max of 15 dogs per day and must adhere to it.

  • 7-8:30 am and 4-5:30 pm Mondays and Fridays. A $25 late fee will be applied to reservations with arrival times outside of these designated timeslots. If you arrive before 4 pm please wait patiently in your car until our staff can assist you. Staff won’t be available until 4 pm.

  • Payment in full is due at the same time the reservation is booked. This payment is nonrefundable/not exchangeable. If payment is not received at the time of booking, the reservation with be rejected by the Gingr app for lack of payment.

  • We recommend that you take advantage of the packages we offer. With one of our packages, you can purchase 10 or 20 daycare visits at one time ahead of time. You can drop off cash or check during our drop off/pick up timeslots and then go into your account in the Gingr app to book the same amount of reservations, on particular days, and we’ll approve them.

  • It depends on your dog’s social skills and how they respond to testing. We always test dogs first, with slow intros, to see how they respond. We never just throw them into the pack. Our decision as to whether they end up in the pack or not is based on your dog’s response to that testing. Daycare here at our training center, with or without pack socialization, is still beneficial to your dog as it provides structure to their day and routine as well as regular exposure. Regular exposure (that is positive) builds confidence over time which can open up the possibility of future opportunities.

  • Yes, if lunch is provided.

  • We don't provide individual owner updates. However, we would certainly check in with you if there were any questions or concerns. If you would like to be able to check in with us, we recommend that you join our Live Q+A on Tuesdays at 7 pm. Information about the Q+A can be found on the Resources page.

  • Daycare is closed on New Year's Day, MLK Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. We provide care 24/7 365 through our Overnight Boarding program, but this is without drop off/pick up availability on these holidays, which is why booking for the day only (the Daycare program) on these holidays isn’t possible.

Amia Cervantes in a play yard surrounded by a pack of dogs.
Francisco and Amia Cervantes walking in a field with a pack of off leash dogs.