Questions About Board and Train

  • All reservations are made by the client through their account in the Gingr app.

    Instructions for Booking a 6 week Behavior Modification Board + Train in Gingr-

    1. Select the photo of your dog.

    2. Click “Start Booking”.

    3. Under “Booking Category” select “Daycare, Boarding and Board & Train” from the drop down menu.

    4. Select “Board & Train Behavior Modification”

    5. Review and Sign the “Board and Train Contract” if it prompts you to do so.

    6. Select start date.

    7. Select end date exactly 6 weeks later.  

    ****All dates in between should now be highlighted in blue.****

    8. Select drop off time (anytime between 7 and 8:30 am). Please select 7 AM even though we plan to drop off at your evening session.

    9. Select pick up time (anytime between 4 and 5:30 pm).

    10. Click “SERVICES”.

    11. Click “Private Training One-On-One $206”.

    12. Select “DATES”. (Choose the last day of the board and train.)

    13. Under “With Who?” select “Francisco Cervantes”.

    14. Click an available time slot in green.

    15. Click “ADD SERVICE”. You’ll see an announcement that this was a success. You just added a private training session on the last day of the reservation.

    16. Click “Private Training One-On-One” again and repeat steps 12 through 15. (Choose a date on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th week of the board and train. A total of four private training sessions should be on the reservation.)

    17. Click “NOTES”.

    18. Add type of flea/tick preventative and date administered.

    19. Scroll to the bottom and click “REVIEW”.

    20. You can view your estimate here by clicking “Generate Estimate” and you can continue by clicking “SUBMIT REQUEST”.

  • We will get your dog in a solid routine and then we will transfer the information through Private Training to you and practice necessary handling skills so you can maintain it. Success in this program depends on the client's participation in Private Training.

  • Turn left and pull in in front of the building.

  • Please wait with your dog in your car. Staff will meet you at your car and will receive your dog from there. A leash is required.

  • Please wait with your dog in your car. If you wait in your car as directed, the staff that greets you through your car window will notify Francisco. He will then be the one to facilitate next steps in moving your dog safely from your car to the boarding room. He’ll make it very clear that he knows exactly what he’s doing. We have never had a bite or fight at our training center because of the importance we place on the very specific way that we do these things.

  • We recommend becoming a member of our Patreon channel for access to our tutorial videos. Using the “Board and Train References” collection, you can train your dog to load up in the car. We also recommend hopping in on our Live Q+A on Facebook for support. It’s every Tuesday at 7 pm, free, and you can ask us anything! To learn more about these options please visit our References page.

  • No. Dogs in our Board and Train program must be dropped off and picked up by their owner. There are no exceptions.

  • This is an overnight program that is 6 weeks long. You’ll drop them off on the first day of the program and pick them up on the last day of the program.

  • We accept cash, check, and credit card payments. Payment is due at the time of reservation and is non refundable/not exchangeable. You can make payment through your account on the Gingr app at the time of booking, or, you can drop off cash or check at the training center as long as it is within 24 hours of the time of booking. We are available to receive payment by cash or check 7-8:30 am and 4-5:30 pm Monday through Saturday.

  • Our understanding is that because we aren't certified/licensed behaviorists the answer is no. You may want to inquire with your provider though.

  • We regularly use the slip lead leash, Herm Sprenger Prong Collar, and Dogtra E-collar as well as treats, verbal praise, and physical touch. In addition, we use crates, training tables, and crops. If you oppose the use of these tools, we will not be a good match, and we respect your decision to find another trainer.

A rescued Pitbull mix sitting on a rock wearing an e-collar.
Francisco Cervantes training a Labrador Retriever with "place" holds for obedience drilling.